Риф писал(а):

Риф писал(а):
Риф писал(а):Салям алейкум, Роман
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admin писал(а):As far as I know, the UK version is 110V and the European version is 220v, they are made in Belgium but shipped to the USA and sold through a network of dealers. I would have a guess that it will run on 240v in the USA - does anyone stateside know more on this? Because they are both made in the same factory both versions should be good quality.
I dug out a user manual and have attached it to this post for you:
[attachment: Graco-mark-v-brochure.pdf]
Риф писал(а):admin писал(а):As far as I know, the UK version is 110V and the European version is 220v, they are made in Belgium but shipped to the USA and sold through a network of dealers. I would have a guess that it will run on 240v in the USA - does anyone stateside know more on this? Because they are both made in the same factory both versions should be good quality.
I dug out a user manual and have attached it to this post for you:
[attachment: Graco-mark-v-brochure.pdf]
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